Thursday, May 31, 2007

It really is time I do something with this blog. My daughter has encouraged me in this route and I drag my feet sometimes with technology, (ask me how many times I have used the digital camera I receieved, unsolicited last Christmas.)
But I do like to journal. I am in a major transition in my life, joyfully, I must say. There have been several monumental times in my life but tomorrow's transition marks the end of working 12 years at a community health center as a social worker therapist, my first position since graduating from a social work master's program. It has been an intense twelve years and many people have crossed through the threshold to my office. Most of my clients have been awesome, sssssssuvivors of unbelievable events, many are very disenfranchised, and still live. I 've been threatened with smashing my curly headed face in, with getting a gun , and a few unpleasant words, but the majority of my clients have been wonderful and an honor to work with, I have been blessed by the opportunity to walk with them through this time and i have been gifted with seeing such growth inso many. My city has become a very violent city and many of the headlines of the last twelve years have somehow been in my office. The last two murders actually were children of employees of the place. It has been wonderful but it has also been a very very difficult place to work, much dysfunction. In december I finally decided it was time, ( a story about a little 2 year old who understood self care spoke to me) and I announced at dinner that 2007 would be lmy last year. I apllied at a private counseling agency in late January and was offered a position.. Because it takes awhile to get on insurance panels and because I was being "punished"for leaving " ( dysfunctional families don't like it when someone breaks free.) it took awhile to get them to release the necessary info so I could move forward. But the time has come, my office is almost cleaned out, the paper work is mostly finished and I say the final good byes. While i am joyful now I have run the gamut of emotions and some PTSD as well in the past two months, but all is good. I will start next monday at my new place. time off will come later. Thanks be unto god for this place of joy and anticipation.

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